Hello, I'm Amanda!
I can understand your health challenges, I have been there, too...
My journey
I’m a normal person with health struggles of my own. But there are two life-changing lessons that I have learned along my journey:
- You are responsible for your own health.
- There is so much you can do to make a difference!
I developed complicated health problems in my 30s — struggling with headaches, joint pain, muscle loss, hormone imbalance, acne, skin rashes, hair loss, constipation, chronic fatigue, and more! I had multiple surgeries, countless hospitalizations, and so many medications — but absolutely zero guidance about what I should eat. I was told there was nothing I could do on my own.
The conventional medical system didn’t have enough answers to get to the root causes of my symptoms or to bring full healing. Ultimately, I realized that I was the one responsible for my health.
Uphill battle
I determined to dig deep in research to find a way to build back my health. I tried different diets, supplements, and medications. I slowly regained some strength but was unsure of exactly what to eat — and why.
Turning a corner
I discovered the Nutritional Therapy Association and was reassured by the solid foundation in anatomy and physiology, and the backing of scientific evidence and cutting-edge research. The nutritional therapy approach provides the “why” behind nutritional advice and explains the need to support the body in how it was designed to work. Applying what I learned to myself, step by step, I began to see gradual progress in my energy and reduced inflammation. I also learned the huge impact of gut health on the rest of the body. Many of my symptoms have disappeared, and others continue to improve. More importantly, I have regained hope that I can improve my health through daily choices, one step at a time.
I now see that there is so much that we can do to improve our health! Your health is affected by everything around you, and there is so much that is in your control.
The view from here
As a NTP, I am sharing my hope and knowledge with you! The clarity and confidence of nutritional therapy has been life-changing for me and many others. Because it focuses on the foundations of nutrient dense whole foods and digestion, it impacts all of health.
Where are you on your health journey? I know what it is like to feel hopeless and miserable. And I also know the hope and healing that is possible when we nourish our bodies! I am here to help you — with nutrition for your body, and grace for your journey.
Your fork in the road
Now it’s your turn! Do you want to stay where you are, struggling with gut health or fatigue? Or do you want to reach new heights, improving each day, leaving symptoms behind and embracing the adventures ahead of you?
Thanks for reading my story — I would love to hear yours!
Nutritional therapy values -- and where I'm coming from:
Created for health
The best way to encourage health is to support the body in how it was designed to work. God created man in His own image, fearfully and wonderfully. We have learned so much about His design and are healthiest when we work with it, not against it.
You have a unique genetic makeup and a unique story. And only you are the expert on your body. While there are certainly principles that apply to all, no single diet is best for everyone. Each person needs to be cared for as a unique bio-individual.
Education & Encouragement
I am here to teach you how the science of nutrition can support your health and to encourage you in reaching forward to meet your own health goals. Only you can take the steps to better health, but I am here to guide you with grace for your journey!
Traditional foods & lifestyle
Previous generations ate food that was nutrient-dense and nourishing, unlike the processed and refined foods of today. They also had healthier routines of sleep, stress, and movement. My goal is to help you bring healthier routines and nutrient-dense whole foods into modern life, to improve your health naturally.
You can eat the healthiest foods in the world — but if you are not digesting and absorbing what you eat, it will do you no good at all! Optimizing the digestive process allows your body to absorb and use the nutrients you eat, providing the necessary building blocks for every cell in your body.
Use food and lifestyle to turn your health around naturally
Nutritional therapy is a natural way to improve your health using nutrient dense whole foods and a healthy lifestyle, one step at a time.
What you eat makes a difference in your health! I teach you about crucial nutrients, address potential deficiencies, improve your digestion, and encourage you to make sustainable changes. I do not advocate one specific diet for everyone, and I do not encourage calorie-counting. Instead, I give you the knowledge and tools you need to approach food with intention and grace.
Nutritional therapy is evidence-based and backed by decades of research. I bring all that science to you in an understandable and practical way. My approach is also tailored specifically to your comfort level and needs.
Some things
I learned
along the way
1. Most Americans don’t know how to make a proper cup of tea.
2. Eating healthy food is simple, but not easy!
3. A walk in the woods makes everything better.
4. I have been dehydrated for most of my life.
5. Most people end up liking liver if they have it cooked the right way.
6. Never try to educate a hungry person about nutrition!